Different Ways to Brew Coffee

Different Ways to Brew Coffee

Most coffee lovers know that there are many different ways to brew and enjoy coffee. Whether you’ve been brewing your own coffee for years or are looking to expand your coffee-making abilities, today’s blog post is here to help.

Learn more about the different ways to brew coffee. And, when it comes to fresh coffee beans, make Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters your supplier. Shop our selection of beans, including our espresso and blends, flavored gourmet coffee, and organic Fair Trade gourmet coffee.

Ways to Brew Fresh Coffee Beans

Making different types of coffee drinks can involve different brewing methods in order to get the right strength, taste, or consistency. Learn more about the different ways you can make fresh coffee! 

French Press

The French Press method is one of the easiest and simplest methods for brewing coffee, both at home or at a coffee shop. During this process, boiling water is poured over freshly ground coffee beans and the coffee then steeps in the water. After approximately 4 minutes, the ground coffee is strained or pressed out, leaving you with a bold coffee showcasing both the flavor and complexity of the coffee bean.

Drip Coffee

Drip coffee is one of the oldest ways to enjoy coffee. Unlike the French Press method, where the grounds and water steep, drip coffee is made by pouring hot water over coffee grounds held in a paper filter. This brewing method slowly drips coffee into a pot or cup while extracting the flavors and notes unique to that coffee bean.


Espresso is a process of brewing coffee that involves pressured water. When extracting an espresso shot, the coffee beans are finely ground and then tamped. Pressurized water is then pushed through the grinds, creating a shot of espresso. 

This form of brewing leaves you with a very concentrated form of coffee that is perfect for creating drinks such as lattes, macchiatos, cappuccinos, and americanos. 

Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee is made by soaking ground coffee beans in room-temperature water overnight. This process extracts the sugars, oils, and caffeine, leaving you with a delicious iced coffee. 

If chilled coffee is the preference, then an overnight soak is the method to use to wake up to the perfect cold brew!


K-cups are small, disposable, plastic sealed cups of coffee grinds that are used with single-serving brewers. The brewing method is similar to that of drip coffee, but rather than an entire pot of coffee, simply a single cup is brewed at a time.

Instead of buying single-use plastic K-cups, invest in a reusable basket for the machine. Not only is this respectful to the environment, but it also allows the consumer to freshly grind her/his favorite blend of coffee one cup at a time!

Order Fresh Coffee Beans Today

No matter how you like to brew your coffee, the right beans are what make that coffee delicious. Order fresh coffee beans from Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters today! 

Learn more about our fresh coffee beans on our blog: