Roasting Profile — Light Versus Dark

Roasting Profile — Light Versus Dark

When it comes to coffee beans, roast plays an important role in the taste and intensity of your coffee. So when you’re ordering fresh coffee beans, whether they’re for your small business or your own at-home brewing, consider what type of roast fits your preferences. 

Learn more about the differences between light and dark roast. Then, if you‘re looking for fresh coffee beans, order from Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters. We always roast our coffee beans to order to give you the best when it comes to your coffee! 

Degrees of Roast

Some coffee drinkers prefer one type of roast over another. But there are different degrees of roast to choose from, giving the right balance of flavors, boldness, taste. 

At Kaldi, you can order our fresh coffee beans in a variety of roasts, ranging from City Roast, Full City, Italian, and French roast. You can use our Degrees of Roast chart to learn more about our different roasts and pick your favorite!

Light Roasts

Light roasts are made by exposing the bean to a certain amount of heat just until the bean pops — something that’s called the “first crack.” This is why lightly roasted beans are lighter in color when compared to dark roasts. 

Like when you heat other ingredients, the roasting process involves evaporating excess moisture out of the beans. But since a light roast is heated for a shorter period of time, those beans are left with more moisture inside which makes them more dense than darker roasts.

When the beans are roasted longer, they become less dense and more caffeine burns off. This might be surprising because a dark roast is typically viewed as the stronger coffee, both in terms of taste and caffeine. But since dark roasted beans are less dense, they are also less caffeinated. It’s still important to note that, however, you still won’t notice that much of a caffeine content contrast between a light and dark roast coffee. 

Dark Roast 

As you can already guess, dark roasted beans are heated for longer at a higher temperature. To get a true dark roast, these beans are heated until the natural oils extract to the surface giving darker roasts their shiny appearance.

In the end, more of their moisture is evaporated, leaving the beans less dense than lighter roasted beans. While certain complexities of the bean start to disappear as the beans are roasted, you’re left with a bolder coffee that showcases the talent of the roaster.

Order Fresh Coffee Beans Today

Once you figure out which type of roast you prefer, make sure you order fresh coffee beans from Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters. We roast all of our coffee beans to order, ensuring that you get the freshest beans delivered directly to you.

If you want to learn more about your coffee beans, take a look at some of our other blogs: