A Guide to Different Coffee Terminology

A Guide to Different Coffee Terminology

When it comes to understanding and describing coffee, there is a lot of terminology that gives you insight into different characteristics of the coffee. 

Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or a coffee shop owner, take some time to learn these terms  and expand the vocabulary you can use to describe your favorite, and least favorite, coffees. 

Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters is a supplier of wholesale coffee beans. All of our beans are roasted to order. Shop our selection of fresh coffee beans and make Kaldi your favorite supplier of wholesale coffee beans for your business, office, or home.  

Coffee Terms to Know


Rich coffee combines together flavor with the mouth-feel of the coffee. Rich coffee has a buttery texture with a perfect balance of bold and sweet flavors. Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi are known for their rich, full body.


The level of acidity in coffee can range from “brightness” to “sour,” depending on type of bean. The right amount of acidity adds to the coffee’s sweetness and liveliness, depending on how the acidity balances with other elements of the flavor profile. For example, Kenyan coffee is higher in acidity while Sumatra coffee is usually lower. 


The “body” of coffee is determined by the tactile feeling of the coffee in the mouth. For example, Sumatra is a high-body coffee while Mexican coffee is lower in body. In the end, body is up to the preference of the drinker. 


Many coffees are described as having “floral” characteristics. This describes the floral aroma found in many coffees, such as hints of lavender, rose, or jasmine. Ethiopian coffees are known for having floral notes. 


Coffee described as sweet refers to a fullness of flavor as well as any “sweet” taste. These sweet notes can taste like hints of honey, chocolate, or fruit. Both Colombian Supremo and Brazilian Santos both have sweet characteristics. 


Aromatic elements also play a part in the flavor of coffee. Fragrance, or the smell of the coffee grounds, and aroma, or the smell of the coffee once it’s brewed, make up this aromatic experience. 


Complex coffees offer a variety of intense flavors rather than one dominant taste. Coffees from Guatemala are known for their complexity of taste. Complex taste profiles are also created by blending different coffee varietals. Our Kaldi's Groovin' Goat has a complex taste profile. 

Degree of Roasting

When you see the “degree of roast,” that refers to the lightness or darkness of the roast of the coffee bean. At Kaldi, we offer four degrees of roast: City, Full City, Italian, and French. Full descriptions of these roasts can be found on our website. 

Roasting Profile

The roast profile explains how the airflow and heat are controlled during the roasting process. This process also contributes to the coffee flavor, as this is the stage where different chemical changes can take place in the coffee beans. Roasting beans for different time periods or at different temperatures strongly impacts the final flavor of those beans. 

For more information about roasting, read our blog: Roasting Profile — Light Versus Dark

Shop Our Wholesale Coffee Beans Today

Now that you have a better understanding of what different coffee terms mean, order your favorite bean or flavored coffee from Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters.

Learn more about our wholesale coffee beans on our blog: