Coffee Bar Equipment Provided by an Unknown Source Can Prove to be Detrimental to a New Business

Buying coffee bar equipment from the closest provider without doing any research can prove to be a wrong move for the business. Choosing not to investigate the coffee bar equipment supplier can cause many problems from installation issues to customer service troubles. Some lower quality suppliers of coffee bar equipment will even attempt to sell refurbished or used equipment but will charge you full price and not inform you of the true age of the machines. Going with a coffee bar equipment supplier simply because they took the largest ad in the phone book is bad business practice and will likely be the first of many mistakes you will make that can cause unwanted trouble for your business. Caring about everything that goes into your shop including the coffee bar equipment can mean sometimes choosing the supplier that charges a little more, but in the end it will be worth it to know you picked a professional and reliable company. Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters supplies coffee bar equipment and is a family run business that is both professional and pleasant to deal with.

One of the biggest mistakes a new coffeehouse can make is making the decision to go with the wrong coffee bar equipment supplier. A new business is often set up on deadlines and requires the coffee bar equipment to be supplied quickly and in one piece. If the wrong company is chosen to supply the shop with the coffee bar equipment it can end up costing the new business owner a lot of money. If the coffee bar equipment is thirty days late, for example, that adds up to an entire month of loss. Alternately, if the coffee bar equipment shows up on time but is damaged or broken it can cause even longer delays for the new business. A professional source for coffee bar equipment will guarantee that the start of your business will be a smooth and trouble-free endeavor, unforeseen minor occurrences aside of course. A good way to determine if the potential coffee bar supplier is good at dealing with new businesses is to ask them for references. By stopping in a coffee shop that the potential supplier has provided coffee bar equipment to and asking the owner if they would use the supplier again if they could do it all over again, you can find out the ultimate answer to your questions. If the potential source for your coffee bar equipment has no references cross them off your list and move on to someone else such as Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters.

One shady practice that can go on with unknown suppliers of coffee bar equipment is the resale of used or refurbished appliances. These types of coffee bar equipment suppliers thrive on the types of people that do their homework before making a purchase so be sure you don't turn into one of them. Customers that ask a lot of questions about the source of the coffee bar equipment that the supplier offers you may turn up a red flag for the company and they will know they can't get away with the sneaky switch. The last thing you need is coffee bar equipment that will appear to be brand new only to find out when it breaks down two years later and is checked by a repairman that is it is actually fifteen years old on the inside. By that time the company that sold you the coffee bar equipment will likely be long gone and untraceable. Avoid problems by purchasing brand new coffee bar equipment from a trusted source such as